Remember when you felt you could do anything, when there was still nothing to fear? Yes, things have changed a bit, haven’t they? And everyone keeps saying there’s nothing to be afraid of! Please join us to raise a toast on the 10th anniversary of the opening night of Robert’s (Matthew Broderick) under-appreciated masterpiece, Midnight in a Clearing with Moon and Stars. To recall that wonderful creative atmosphere, which we all miss so much, Nellie (Jill Eikenberry) will host this celebration at our old haunt, the Talk House (which, despite everything, remains open). Please come. We need each other.
About The Show
Evening at the Talk House
January 31 - March 12, 2017
by Wallace Shawn
directed by Scott Elliott
Cast & Creative
Matthew BroderickRobertJill EikenberryNellieJohn EppersonTedLarry PineTomWallace ShawnDickClaudia ShearAnnetteAnnapurna SriramJaneMichael TuckerBillWallace ShawnPlaywrightScott ElliottDirectorDerek McLaneScenic DesignJeff MahshieCostume DesignJennifer TiptonLighting DesignJohn EppersonMusic Direction/OrchestrationsJudy Henderson, CSACastingJesse GeguzisFight Direction