Commitment to Anti-Racism
Recent demands for racial justice in our society and for equity in the American theater called out the systemic racism in predominantly white institutions like The New Group.
We know that America is a country constructed on principles of white supremacy and anti-blackness, and that these shameful tenets are embedded throughout our theater community and the culture at large. We acknowledge that this culture has often included practices that exclude and exploit Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) individuals. We pledge our commitment to anti–racism and embedding equity within our organization.
Over the past year, The New Group’s staff and Board have engaged in trainings and discussions on allyship, anti–racism, bias, and equity, interrogated our current practices and policies and identified ways we must change. Working toward our return to the rehearsal room and live performance this fall, we are designing and will be enacting policies that aim to transform our organization, broaden our community and both deepen and make more equitable our professional, artistic and personal relationships.
We are just at the beginning of this process. As these policies and actions are formalized, we will share them in this space, so that we may hold ourselves accountable and be held accountable for them. We will post a progress report on these actions. Through these ongoing changes and actions, we aim to foster a culture of respect, transparency, continuous learning, integrity, honesty – and a welcoming community for all.
Land Acknowledgement
The New Group acknowledges that the work we do in our offices, classrooms, rehearsal rooms and theaters across New York City takes place on Lenapehoking, the Homeland of the Lenape. We acknowledge that this country, and this city in which we work, were established on a foundation of theft, genocide and enslavement, and that much of our work takes place on unceded lands.
We pay respect to the past, present and future generations of the Lenape whose land we occupy and we honor the continued cultural, artistic, spiritual and intellectual contributions of Indigenous peoples.
The New Group’s land acknowledgment is part of our ongoing commitment to anti-racism. Our goal is to call attention to the complex and often-bitter history of the spaces we occupy, ongoing colonial practices, and the continuing vitality of Indigenous people whose ancestral lands we occupy.
To learn more about the practices of land acknowledgment, we recommend the following resources:
U.S. Department of Arts and Culture, Honor Native Land: A Guide and Call to Acknowledgment
Native Governance Center, A Guide to Indigenous Land Acknowledgment
Native Land’s Interactive Map