In Jeremy O. Harris’ searing new play “Daddy,” Franklin (Ronald Peet), a young black artist on the verge of his first show, meets Andre (Alan Cumming), an older white art collector, and before long their feverish link deepens into an irresistible bond. But when Franklin’s Christian mother, Zora (Charlayne Woodard), decides that her son is in peril, she enters into a battle of wills with Andre over the soul of the man they both call baby. Basquiats and Birkins, gospel and pop, and fantasy and reality collide around a Bel Air swimming pool in this deeply surreal exploration of intimacy and identity. Danya Taymor (Pass Over) directs this wildly theatrical and dangerous world-premiere co-production from The New Group and Vineyard Theatre.
This play contains nudity and graphic sexual content.