A story about the children of a Pakistinian mother and an English father who are torn between two very different cultures.
About The Show
East is East
May 25 - July 11, 1999
by Ayub Khan-Din
directed by Scott Elliott
Cast & Creative
Purva BediPerformerChristine ChildPerformerEdward A. HajjPerformerDariush KashaniPerformerRahul KhannaPerformerAjay MehtaPerformerRishi MehtaPerformerGregory J. QaiyumPerformerSendhil RamamurthyPerformerAmir SajadiPerformerJenny SterlinPerformerAyub Khan-DinPlaywrightScott ElliottDirectorDerek McLaneScenic DesignMattie UlrichCostume DesignBrian MacDevittLighting DesignRed FamonaSound Design