Based on Tennessee Williams’ unproduced screenplay of his own classic short story, this new adaptation from pioneering theatrical auteur Moisés Kaufman (The Laramie Project, I Am My Own Wife, 33 Variations) follows Ollie, a young boxing champ who loses his arm and turns to hustling to survive. A collaboration with Tectonic Theater Project.
About The Show
One Arm
May 19 - July 2, 2011
based on the short story and screenplay by Tennessee Williams
adapted for the stage and directed by Moisés Kaufman
Cast & Creative
Noah BeanNarrator, Sean, ensembleKC ComeauxWilly, Sailor, ensembleClaybourne ElderOllie OlsenSteven HauckLester, Chaplain, ensembleTodd LawsonDivinity Student, Sailor, Middle-Aged-Homosexual, ensembleChristopher McCannPrison Guard, Yachtsman, ensembleGreg PierottiCherry, Man in the Park, Middle-Aged-Homosexual, ensembleLarisa PolonskyLila, Girl in the French Quarter, Nurse, ensembleTennessee WilliamsPlaywrightMoisés KaufmanDirectorDerek McLaneScenic DesignClint RamosCostume DesignDavid LanderLighting DesignShane RettigSound DesignDavid AnzueloFight Direction