Two-time Tony Winner John Cullum starred in the New York debut of this riveting theatrical documentary based on the chillingly exact depositions of Bernard Cardinal Law, Archbishop of Boston. SIN reveals the man at the center of the firestorm around the recent priest sex abuse scandal.
About The Show
SIN (A Cardinal Deposed)
October 11 - December 4, 2004
by Michael Murphy
directed by Carl Forsman
Cast & Creative
John CullumCardinal Bernard F. LawDan DailyDSS Employee & othersCynthia DarlowMaryetta Dussord & othersThomas Jay RyanOrson KriegerPablo T. SchreiberPatrick McSorleyJohn Leonard ThompsonWilliam VarleyMichael MurphyPlaywrightCarl ForsmanDirectorNathan HeverinScenic DesignTheresa SquireCostume DesignJosh BradfordLighting DesignSamuel DoerrSound DesignJohn CullumCardinal Bernard F. LawDan DailyDSS Employee and othersCynthia DarlowMaryetta Dussourd and othersThomas Jay RyanOrson KriegerPablo T. SchreiberPatrick McSorleyJohn Leonard ThompsonWilliam Varley