In six interconnected scenes, this startling comedy tells the story of a society in which an imminent threat looms on the edges of everyday life.
About The Show
May 9 - June 26, 2005
by The Presnyakov Brothers
translated by Sasha Dugdale
directed by Will Frears
Cast & Creative
Adam Alexi-MalleActorAlex DraperActorLaura EstermanActorAnna GeorgeActorDarren GoldsteinActorElizabeth MarvelActorDaniel OreskesActorLola PashalinskiActorR.E. RodgersActorThe Presnyakov BrothersPlaywrightsSasha DugdaleTranslated byWill FrearsDirectorDavid KorinsScenic DesignSarah BeersCostume DesignMarcus DoshiLighting DesignBart FasbenderSound Design