The Starry Messenger follows an astronomy teacher whose carefully circumscribed world is upended by an unexpected encounter that changes everything. Two-time Oscar nominee Kenneth Lonergan, in his highly-anticipated return to The New Group following the 1996 premiere of This is Our Youth, teams up with his childhood friend, two-time Tony Award-winner Matthew Broderick and Oscar-nominee Catalina Sandino Moreno (Maria Full of Grace).
About The Show
The Starry Messenger
October 24 - December 19, 2009
written and directed by Kenneth Lonergan
Cast & Creative
Matthew BroderickMark WilliamsStephanie CannonMrs. PysnerKieran CulkinIan/Adam WilliamsMerwin GoldsmithNorman KetterlyCatalina Sandino MorenoAngela VasquezGrant ShaudArnold SamsonJ. Smith-CameronAnne WilliamsMissy YagerDoris Ketterly-WellesKenneth LonerganPlaywright and DirectorDerek McLaneScenic DesignMattie UllrichCostume DesignJason LyonsLighting DesignShane RettigSound Design