The Women of Lockerbie follows the journey of two parents who travel from New Jersey to the hills of Lockerbie, Scotland, to grieve over their only son, who lost his life on board the Pan Am Flight 103 crash seven years earlier. It is there in Scotland that they meet the women of Lockerbie and discover that they too experienced and suffered from horrible losses as well.
About The Show
The Women of Lockerbie
March 18 - May 11, 2003
by Deborah Brevoort
directed by Scott Elliott
Cast & Creative
Kathleen DoyleHattieJudith IveyMadeline LivingstonAngela PietropintoWoman #1Larry PineBill LivingstonKristen SiehWoman #2Jenny SterlinOlive AllisonAdam TreseGeorge JonesDeborah BrevoortPlaywrightScott ElliottDirectorDerek McLaneScenic DesignMattie UlrichCostume DesignJason LyonsLighting DesignKen TravisSound Design